Thursday 8 October 2015

Questionnaire #1

To grasp a general idea on what people like the most, I completed a questionnnaire on 15 people ranging between the ages of 14 and 28.  Here are my findings:


1) What type of music do you listen to most often?

R&B = 1
Classical =1
Indie = 2
Rock = 2
Charts music = 9

2) Do you prefer magazine covers that are cluttered or uncluttered?

Cluttered = 4

Uncluttered = 11

3) Would you say you a. follow the trends or b. consider yourself unique?

a = 8
b = 7

4) What colours most appeal to you?

Blue = 3
Black and White = 6
Orange = 2
Red = 3
Pink = 1

5) What pages do you look forward to the most in a magazine?

Fashion = 2
New! = 5
Interviews = 8

6)  How often would you buy a magazine?

Every week = 6
Every 2 weeks = 3
Monthly = 6

My results therefore indicate that I should create a magazine :

  • based on current chart music,
  • with an uncluttered cover, 
  • that follows trends and conventions ,
  • that consists of the colours black and white and red or blue tones,
  • I should do a double paged spread on an interview.

By using a wide range of ages I was able to collect results, however, in the future I will focus the range of ages that I use in order to collect more accurate results that apply to a specific group.

1 comment:

  1. To improve this post further, explain here why you chose to do a survey; how easy was it to get people to do your survey? Were there any drawbacks of using a survey?


About Me

This blog will consist of my Alevel media pieces.