Thursday 24 September 2015


In order to assess my work efficiently I have chosen to compare my school magazine with another.

There are both similarities and differences between my magazine and the one I have chosen to compare it to.

My magazine clearly features a student and indicates what my issue involve. This is similar to 'high school illustrated' magazine as it too shows a student, however while my student is doing work, the 'high school illustrated' magazine shows a student holding an American football this is because their issue is about the 'player of the year'. Therefore both my magazines feature a cover model indicating the content of the issue.

'High school illistarted' magazine follows a typical magazine convention of having 3 main colours present. This is used to create interest while not over cluttering the cover. This is similar to my magazine as I have also featured different colours, however on my cover there only appears to be 2 main colours featured. I chose to use less colours as I felt the image itself involved a large variety of colours and so did not want to over clutter my piece. A similarities between the two covers is that they both prominently feature the colour yellow possible due to its connotation and positivity and its noticeability.

My magazine does not have many symbols or words used to attract the audiences attention, whereas 'high school' magazine features many of these. For example 'high school illustrated' uses words such as 'plus' to attract the reader attention as they are interested by the possibility of more. Additionally it uses boxes and + signs to make the cover aesthetically pleasing.

Overall there are a range of similarities and difference between my magazine and 'high school illustrated'. By comparing I am now able to clearly see the successful conventions that other magazines use and therefore will be able to apply them to my final piece.

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